Personalize your Christmas tree with a Yarn-Wrapped Initial Christmas Ornament…the letter can represent your kid’s first or last name.



Household Tape



Creatology Alphabet Beads, Black & White

Craft Smart Ombre Value Yarn

Recollections Chipboard Sheet

Recollections Hand Punch *ADULT REQUIRED

Craft pom-poms, sequins, pony beads (optional)



1.Draw a letter onto chipboard with a pencil and cut out the shape. TIP: If desired, you can find a font you like on the computer; then size and print. Cut it out and trace onto chipboard before you cut out the shape.

2.ADULT: Depending on the letter, punch a hole or two at the top.

3.Tie a short piece of yarn through the holes to make a hanger. TIP: Use the image as a guide.

4.Tape the starting end of your yarn to the back of your letter. Wrap the letter with yarn until it is completely covered or covered how you like it. TIP: If you want better hold, use craft glue to secure yarn as you wrap.

5.Cut the yarn from the skein and tie the end to a yarn wrap on the back.

6.String alphabet letter beads onto a piece of yarn. Wind it around your letter. Leave a bead letter on the front of your letter ornament with each wrap as shown. Tie the ends to wraps on the back. Trim excess yarn. TIP: Embellish with pom-poms, sequins, pony beads or leave simple with just your name in alphabet letters.


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