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Start with a simple Easter basket and embellish it with spiral cut tulle strips…what a whimsical craft that is perfect for a magical Easter Egg Hunt.


Tulle Fabric by CELEBRATE IT OCCASIONS, Pink (6” x 20yd)

SINGER Bent Sewing Scissors

LOOPS & THREADS Color Ball Pins

Favorite Easter Treats



1.Using 6″ wide tulle, fold the tulle over onto itself, approximately 6″. Continue to fold (in a rolling-type motion) in 6″ sections, until you have about 18 to 20 layers.

2.Cut tulle from the spool and add a couple of pins to hold the layers in place, so they do not unfold.

3.Use scissors to round the corners and make a circular shapes; cut open the folds on one end.

4.Spiral cut through all layers to the center, making a curly tulle ribbon. Move the pins, as needed, to cut the spiral.

TIP: Try to keep your spiral cuts to about 1″ apart; however, it doesn’t have to be a precise project. Don’t worry about making a perfectly round circle or cutting the spirals exactly equal.

5.Remove the pins.

6.Use the folded side (that you did not cut open in Step 3) to attach the entire multi-layered tulle spiral in a lark’s head knot to the top of the basket.

TIP: Are you unsure how to tie a lark’s head knot? It is super easy:

   –  Thread the tulle fold through an opening (from the front to the inside) at the top of the basket, and place it just above the basket rim.

   –  Now, grab all of the tulle spiral ends from the outside, pull them up and over the basket rim, and thread through the fold.

   –  Gently pull the tulle spiral ends, so the knot is snug against the basket rim. Be sure to keep your ends as even as possible.

7.Separate each layer of the tulle spiral, so it naturally creates the pouf.

8.Repeat Steps 1-7, until you have sections tied around the entire basket and the project looks like a tulle skirt.


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