Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is a time to celebrate with friends and family. Create decorations for all to enjoy and save as a remembrance of the holidays.
Crayola Construction Paper
Crayola Scissors
Crayola Glitter Glue
Crayola Colored Pencils
Crayola Markers
Hole Punch
Twine or Ribbon
1.Read books such as “The Magic Menorah: A Modern Chanukah Tale” by Jane Breskin Zalben. Discuss the meaning of Chanukah and why it is celebrated around the world. Here’s how to make a star like the one shown in the picture.
2.Using Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils, draw six large (at least 5 inch or 13 cm) squares on white paper. Cut them out with Crayola Scissors. Save the end pieces. Color all six squares on both sides with the colored pencils and/or Crayola Super Tip Washable Markers.
3.For each square: Fold in half to form a triangle. Fold in half again. Hold the double-folded triangle point in one hand. Cut two lines, evenly spaced in the triangle, starting at the two folds. (Cut at the same angle as the unfolded side of the triangle.) STOP cutting about 1/2 inch before you get to the single fold. (On larger stars, make three or more cuts.)
4.Open the square. Roll up the two inside points and tape them together. Flip the square over and tape the middle points together. Flip the square over again and tape the outer points. Repeat these steps for the other five squares.
5.To form the star, tape one tip of each of the six pieces together in the center. Punch a hole at the top of one of the points. Thread string or ribbon through to hang.
6.On the leftover paper, draw and cut out two small Stars of David. Color them. Tape them to the center of the star. Add Crayola Glitter Glue to embellish your star. Air-dry the glitter glue.
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