Create a glittery Resin Light Bulb Wood Ornament to add to your tree decorations.
Vinyl Gloves
Craft Smart Acrylic Paint, Pink Blast
Mod Lodge Matte
Craft Smart Metallic Paint, Silver
Recollections Fine Glitter, Graphite
Celebrate It Holiday Ribbon
Recollections Christmas Light Glitter
4.5” Fillable Bulb Ornament by Make Market
Alumilite Amazing Clear Cast
Craft Smart Acrylic Paint, White
1.Paint your ornament as desired. Let dry. TIP: Use a cotton swab to clean up paint on inside edges.
2.Mix enough resin to cover the inside surface of the acrylic front according to package directions. Remove the back of your ornament and pour resin inside.
3.Sprinkle in specialty glitter. Set aside to cure.
4.Replace the back.
5.Paint the topper with Mod Podge and sprinkle glitter. Shake off the excess and let dry.
6.Add ribbon as a hanger.
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