Craft a sweet countdown to the holidays with this DIY Advent calendar idea, It’s easy to assemble, and you can customize the look of this Advent box to match your holiday decor.
REESE’S Miniatures or REESE’S Bells
12-inch square gift box
Green pipe cleaners
Number stickers
Decorative craft paper
White craft glue or hot glue gun with glue sticks
1.Cut 5 sections of pipe wire the same width as the inner dimension of box.
2.Cut 3 sections of pipe wire the same length as the inner dimension of box.
3.Cut 28 2” x 3” rectangles out of decorative craft paper. Glue in a grid to the inside of the box, making the tall side vertical and the short side horizontal.
4.Glue numbers from 1 to 24 sequentially in each square to represent the days of the month. Place a holiday wrapped candy in each square.
6.Count down to the holiday as you remove a candy each day!