Makes 12 servings.

Cute as a bug cupcakes!


Wilton Food Crafting Supplies
White Cupcake Liners
Perfect Results 12 Cup Muffin Pan
14-1/2″ x 20″ Cooling Grid
4-1/2 lb. Tub of White Icing (3-1/2 cups icing needed)
12 Count Icing Color Kit* (Black, Teal, Burgundy, Pink & Violet used)
24 Count Disposable Decorating Bags
4 piece Coupler Set
Round Decorating Tip 12 (3 needed)
Decorator Preferred 9″ Tapered Spatula
Round Decorating Tip 5 (4 needed)
Round Decorating Tip 4
Round Decorating Tip 2 (2 needed)
Favorite Cake Recipe or Mix
Several pieces of uncooked spaghetti

Piped Heart
*Combine Burgundy and Pink icing colors to get pink shown. Combine Violet and Burgundy to get purple shown.


1.Line muffin pan with white liners, bake and cool cupcakes.

2.Tint 1 cup icing each teal, pink and purple.

3.Prepare three decorating bags with couplers. Fill separately with pink, teal and purple icing.

4.Using tip 12 and pink icing, pipe two wings by drawing an oval outline first; fill in, then smooth with spatula. Repeat with purple and teal icing.

5.Also with tip 12, pipe a big rosette at the bottom end of each cupcake; again alternating between pink, teal and purple to contrast with wing color. Smooth with spatula.

6.Switch to tip 5, then pipe four hearts on each wing, using a contrasting color.

7.Prepare decorating bag with coupler and white icing. Using tip 5, pipe eyes on the rosette in a jellybean shape by starting at the bottom end and pulling up. Save remaining icing for later step.

8.Prepare decorating bag with coupler and black icing. Using tip 4, pipe dots for pupils of eye, then switch to tip 2 to draw the mouth.

9.Switch to tip 2 on white icing decorating bag, pipe white dot on each pupil.

10.Break spaghetti into pieces that are about 1-1/2″ to 2″ long. Using decorating bag with black icing and tip 4, stick spaghetti into tip. Squeeze bag very gently while pulling out spaghetti and it will be coated with black icing.

11.Insert spaghetti into rosettes on cupcakes to form antennas. Using tip 5 with pink, teal and purple icing colors, pipe dots on end of antennas. If any points on the dots need to be flattened, dip a finger in cornstarch and flatten.


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