Live Music from the North Pole!



Here’s a sweet treat to adorn your Christmas tree. This ice cream ornament looks good enough to eat, but you’ll love it even more glistening on the branches instead. The glitter spray makes the entire ornament sparkle, making it a focal point of your decorations.



Cone, 6”

Balls, (2) 3”, (1) 1”

Acrylic paint: brown, white, pink, red

Glitter spray

Eye pin

Silver cord

Pink seed beads

Glue gun & glue sticks


Plastic knife



Scrap foam



1. Press plastic knife into cone to make lines as follows: Starting at top, at an angle, press straight line that wraps all around cone and continues down to point. Repeat with a parallel line 1/2” below first; and third line 1/2” below that.   Again, starting at top, make scored lines perpendicular to first set, creating diamond pattern on cone. (Note: Lines won’t match up at center back.)

2. Use spoon to gently scoop out center of cone so ball fits into cone. With knife, cut off 1-1/2” diameter slice from each 3” ball.

3. Insert toothpick into each cut area of 3” balls and cone to hold while painting. Paint one 3” ball pink and one white; paint cone brown. (Note: after painting, insert toothpick into scrap

foam to allow to dry.) Paint 1” ball red and set on scrap foam to dry.

4. Keeping toothpick of pink ball inserted into scrap foam, squeeze white paint onto top (curved side) of pink ball and let it drip down sides. (Use nozzle to draw drips down as desired- See photo.) While still wet, work over paper plate and use spoon to sprinkle beads on drips.

5. With white ball, remove and replace toothpick into curved side, directly opposite sliced area. Replace toothpick into scrap foam. Squeeze brown paint onto top (flat side) of white ball and let drip down sides. Similarly, sprinkle beads on drips (trying not to get beads on flat area). Set aside on scrap foam and allow to dry.

6. Remove toothpicks from pieces.

7. Use glue to attach cone to bottom of white ball with brown drips up. Glue flat side of pink ball onto flat area of brown paint on white ball. Glue red ball on top. Allow to dry.

8. Spread glue onto eye pin and insert into top center of red ball. Allow to dry. For hanger loop, thread cord through the eye pin, bring together ends and tie with overhand knot close to ends. Holding onto loop, in a well-ventilated area, spray ice cream cone with glitter spray. Allow to dry.


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