Create a fun and festive mood with these whimsical holiday character cups. On a windowsill or as table decorations, they’re sure to make everyone smile.
Small paper or plastic cups
Acrylic paint (optional)
Pipe cleaners or chenille stems
Red and brown craft foam
Green felt
All-purpose craft glue or hot glue gun and glue sticks (adult supervision required)
Wire cutters (adult supervision required)
Wiggly eyes
Assorted pompoms
HERSHEY’S candy (variety)
1.FOR THE REINDEER: Paint the outside of the cup with brown acrylic paint: set aside to dry.
2.FOR THE ANTLERS: Use wire cutters to cut one pipe cleaner in half. Cut two smaller pieces, each about 2″ in length, from another pipe cleaner. Twist one of the smaller pipe cleaner pieces to the end of one antler base. Repeat to create the other antler.
3.FOR THE REINDEER’S EARS: Cut two small triangles from the brown craft foam. Set the cup upright on its base and glue the ears inside the top rim of the cup, on each side.
4.About halfway down the cup, glue on a red pompom for the reindeer’s nose.
5.Glue the wiggly eyes above the nose.
6.Glue the antlers inside the top rim of the cup, between the ears. Set the cup aside to let glue dry completely.
7.Fill the cup with an assortment of HERSHEY’S Holiday Chocolates.
8.FOR SANTA: Paint the outside of the cup with skin-toned acrylic paint; set aside to dry.
9.FOR SANTA’S HAT: Cut a single triangle out of the red craft foam. The triangle should be about half as tall as the cup. Glue a white pompom to the top of the triangle. Let dry.
10.Set the cup upright on its base. Glue Santa’s hat just below the top rim of the cup.
11.Underneath Santa’s hat, glue two wiggly eyes, or two small black pompoms, on the cup near the center. Alternately, draw eyes on with a black marker.
12.Underneath the eyes, glue one pompom on for the nose.
13.FOR SANTA’S BEARD: Glue white pompoms underneath Santa’s nose. Add more pompoms around Santa’s face and on the bottom of Santa’s hat.
14.Set the cup aside to dry completely.
15.Fill the cup with an assortment of HERSHEY’S Holiday Chocolates.
16.FOR THE SNOWMAN: If needed, paint the outside of the cup with white acrylic paint; set aside to dry.
17.FOR THE SNOWMAN’S ARMS: Use the wire cutters to cut a pipe cleaner in half. These are the arm bases. Cut two smaller pieces, each about 2 inches in length, from another pipe cleaner. Twist one of the smaller pipe cleaner pieces to one of the arm bases. Repeat to create the other arm.
18.FOR THE SCARF: Cut out a strip of felt. It should be long enough to wrap around the base of the cup with a little extra on each end. Use scissors to cut small slits in each end of the scarf.
19.Set the cup upright on its base. Cut a small piece of orange pipe cleaner for the nose. Glue the nose to the front of the cup, about halfway down.
20.Glue two wiggle eyes or small black pompoms on the cup, above the nose. You can also draw eyes on with a black marker.
21.For the mouth, draw black dots under the nose, or glue on four small pompoms.
22.Glue the felt strip around the base of the cup.
23.Glue the arms to either side of the cup.
24.Set the cup aside to dry completely.
25.Fill the cup with an assortment of HERSHEY’S Holiday Chocolates.
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