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Express your love to someone special with HERSHEY’S KISSES Candy Roses for Valentine’s Day or any sweet day.


HERSHEY’S KISSES Chocolates in pink and red foils

Florist tape

Florist wire

Food-safe confectioners’ glue


Clear cellophane or plastic wrap

Artificial leaves (optional)



1.For each candy rose, spread confectioners’ glue on bottom of one foil-wrapped chocolate. Firmly press it to the bottom of another chocolate.

2.Insert florist wire into one pointed end of double chocolate. Wrap a 4-inch square of clear cellophane around the double chocolate, twisting cellophane tightly around chocolate.

3.Starting at bottom of rose, wrap florist tape around edges of cellophane, continuing down the full length of wire with tape. Add 1 or 2 artificial leaves, if desired, securing leaves in place with florist tape.

4.Tie two or more candy roses together with a bow to make a bouquet.


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