Galaxy Moon Pops are a fun addition to any galaxy or space-themed party.


Favorite cake mix

1 box (3.4 oz.) instant pudding and pie filling mix, optional

4 eggs

1 cup water

1/3 cup vegetable oil

Candy Melts, Bright White

Color Dust, Black Pearl and White

You’ll also need Wilton Tall Dipping Containers and a Styrofoam block



1.Make medium-sized cake pops following cake mix instructions. You can add the pudding filling to the mix before baking, if desired. After baking, cool completely.

2.Melt Bright White candy in short dipping tray, according to package instructions. Dip lollipop stick in melted candy, then in prepared cake pop. Position in Styrofoam block. Chill until candy is set, about 10 to 15 minutes. 

3.Dip cake pops into melted candy again, tapping to remove excess candy. Place in Styrofoam block and chill 10 to 20 minutes, until candy is set. 

4.Using a decorating brush, decorate the cake pops with Black Pearl Color Dust and White Color Dust. Dust heavier and lighter to get different shades of grey.


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