Makes 24 cupcakes
These monsters aren’t spooky at all…in fact, they’re pretty sweet! Cute little critters for school or home Valentine’s Day parties.
1 box PILLSBURY FUNFETTI Valentine’s Day Cake Mix
Additional ingredients to prepare cake mix per package instructions
1 tub PILLSBURY FUNFETTI Valentine’s Day Vanilla Frosting
Wilton Grass Piping Tip
Candy Eyeballs
Pastry bag
“Grass” piping tip
1.Line 24 muffin cavities with paper baking cups.
2.Prepare cake mix according to package instructions. Divide into prepared baking cups. Bake and cool according to package instructions.
3.Spoon Valentine’s Day frosting into large pastry bag fitted with grass piping tip. Beginning at the outer edge of cupcakes, pipe frosting across the cupcake, making small circles and twists to create the “monster”. Add on candy eyeballs and sprinkle with FUNFETTI Valentine’s Day Sprinkles.
Find this recipe and more holiday treats at