Makes 24 cupcakes
You’l get the “catch of the day” when you reel in these Fishing Pole Cupcakes.
1 box PILLSBURY FUNFETTI Premium Cake Mix
Additional ingredients to prepare cake mix per package instructions
1 tub PILLSBURY FUNFETTI Aqua Blue Vanilla Flavored Frosting
1 (1 lb.) bag soft and chewy fish-shaped candy
Candy Eyes
Small Cake Pop Sticks
White String
Blue Gel Dye
1.Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 24 muffin cups with paper baking cups.
2.Prepare cake mix according to package directions and add blue gel to dye batter blue. Divide batter evenly into prepared muffin cups. Bake 19 to 23 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes. Remove to wire rack to cool completely.
3.Thread kitchen twine through the candy fish and wrap the opposite end on a small cake pop stick. Attach a candy eye with a little frosting. Repeat until you have 24 threaded fish.
4.Pipe frosting over the tops of cupcakes. Sprinkle candy bits from frosting evenly over each cupcake. Arrange 1 soft candy fish attached to a stick per cupcake.
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