Get the conversation going with these fun heart boxes


(4) 12″x 12″ Cardstock sheets
Craft knife
Clear double-sided tape
Quick Grip (non-wrinkling adhesive for paper)
Washi tape
Bone folder
Red cardstock
Cricut Maker or Explore Air
Light Grip Cricut mat


To Begin Making the Heart Box
1.Trace tabbed heart pattern onto full sheet of cardstock. Trace one heart for the top of box, and one for the bottom of the box. Cut out hearts.

2.Draw heart shape onto each tabbed heart cutout using the bottom of the tab notches as guides. Score the heart outline using a bone folder. Gently fold over the tabs of the hearts along the scored line.

To Make the Words
1.Open Cricut Design Space software and use the font Arial Rounded to write the words you would like for your box. Measure the width of the heart, then choose the size of your words to fit inside the space.

2.Place red cardstock onto a light grip Cricut mat, load your machine, and click “make” to follow the prompts to select material and load the required tools (if they’re not already loaded).

3.After the letters are cut out, arrange them in place on the heart you have prepared for the card box. One by one, use a non-wrinkling adhesive, such as Quick Grip on the back of each letter, to glue the letters in place.

To Finish the Heart Box
1.Using a ruler and craft knife, cut (3) 12″x 6″ strips from remaining cardstock. Set aside.

2.Cut out a 5″x 3.5″ rectangle from excess cardstock or a blank piece of paper. Trace the rectangle in the middle of one of the hearts. Using a ruler and craft knife cut along the top and sides of the rectangle. Using a ruler and a bone folder, score the bottom of the rectangle. Gently fold the cut-out rectangle over and crease the bottom edge using the bone folder. This will create a trap door on the back of box to retrieve Valentines.

3.Attach 12″x 6″ strips together with double-sided tape. Strips should overlap 1/2″. Cut out mail slot and create score lines as shown on diagram below. Crease score lines using bone folder.

4.Line top and bottom edge of completed side panel with double-sided tape. Carefully wrap side panel around one of the hearts, pressing tabs to the tape. If necessary, add one-sided tape to inside of tabs to help hold side panel in place as you wrap it. When side panel is wrapped around the first heart cutout, reinforce all tabs with clear one-sided tape. Repeat process with top heart. Trap door can be used to access inside of heart to reinforce top tabs.
Use decorative washi tape to keep trap door closed until it is time to remove Valentines.


For Patterns click
Be sure to apply lettering, cut the mail slot and the trap door before final assembly.


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