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Christmas List Painted Rocks are a fun craft to share the items you want for the holidays.



Black River Rocks by Ashland


Craft Smart Multi-Surface Premium Satin Acrylic Paint: White, Green, Crisp Green, Yellow, Crisp Blue, Blue Cloud and Black

Craft Smart Acrylic Paint, Brown

Craft Smart Extra Fine Tip Multi-Surface premium Paint Pen, Black

Craft Smart Extra Fine Tip Multi-Surface premium Paint Pen, White



1.Clean your rocks with soap and water. This will remove any dirt, debris or smudges that might keep the paint from adhering properly.

2.Use a paintbrush to apply a layer of paint to the rock’s surface. Let dry, and reapply more coats until you have an opaque layer of color over the rock’s top.

3.Once the paint is completely dry, begin adding details or words with the fine point paint pens or detail brushes. Use image as a guide.

4.When you complete one area of the rock, stop and let the paint dry before moving on to another. Let each rock dry completely before handling.

TIP: As you work, hold the rock in one hand, nestled in a paper towel (or soft cloth). This will help you avoid smudging your work.


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