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This Valentine’s Day, shower your sweetie with a Candy Melts Rose Bouquet.



Candy Melts Rose Bouquet Kit (or individual items below)

Candy Melts, Red

Lollipop sticks

Roses mold

Leaves (from kit)



1.Begin by melting the red candy included in the kit, following the instructions on the packaging.

2.Once the red candy is melted, cut a small hole in the decorator’s bag’s tip.

3.Fill each rose mold about halfway full with melted candy. When you’ve filled all six cavities, tap the mold gently against your working surface to remove any air bubbles that may be stuck in there.

4.Place a lollipop stick in each mold cavity, turning it evenly to make sure it’s coated with candy.

5.Fill the remainder of each cavity with more melted candy. Tap the mold against your working surface one more time.

6.Chill the candy until the bottom of the mold appears frosty and the candy inside is firm. This should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

7.Place the mold on a flat surface and gently twist it to release the individual pieces of candy.

8.Slide a leaf about halfway up each lollipop stick. Feel free to position the leaf exactly as you like. Repeat for the other candy roses.

TIP: Writing a name on each leaf before you attach it to a lollipop stem is an extra-sweet touch!


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