Make fun rustic ornaments



Folkart Acrylic Paints – Licorice
Folkart Peel & Stick Stencils -Classic Alphabet
Mod Podge – Gloss
3″ smooth foam balls
4″ smooth foam ball
Cream burlap
Tan burlap
Stencil brush
Hot glue & glue sticks
Craft knife



1. To print the patterns, click here 

2. For the 3″ ball, cut out four pieces from pattern provided and Mod Podge to the ball. Allow to dry.

3. Stencil the word “JOY” in Licorice. Allow to dry. Repeat step 1 for the second 3″ ball but stencil “HOPE”. Allow to dry.

4. For the 4″ ball, cut out four cream colored pieces of burlap from pattern provided. Mod Podge to the ball. Allow to dry.

5. Stencil “PEACE” in Licorice. Allow to dry.

6. Make an “X” cut at the top of each ball. Push the end of a small paintbrush in the hole made by the craft knife to widen hole.

7. Cut three pieces of twine. Fold them in half and glue them into the holes with hot glue. Tie a bow around each ornament at top.


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