5/8 yard burlap fabric
5/8 yard lining
60″ gold elastic cord
Glue for gems
Furry balls: 1 large, 2 small
Sewing machine
Basic sewing supplies



Seam allowances 1/2″. RS= Right Side WS=Wrong Side

Burlap – two 18″x14″
Lining – two 18″x14″

1. Pin burlap RS together. Stitch side and bottom seams closed, leaving top open.

2. Pin lining RS together. Stitch side and bottom seams closed, leaving top open. Leave 3″ opening on one side seam of lining for turning.

3. Pin body and lining RS together and stitch top closed.

4. Turn RS out and slip stitch lining closed. Push lining inside of body.

5. Top stitch around top of bag at 1/4″.

6. Stitch around the bag 1-1/2″ below top. Stitch around again 1/2″ below the first stitch. This will make the drawstring bag casing.

7. Sew buttons and glue jewels into desired place.

8. Push cord down through front of burlap casing area. Push around through bag and back up. If it is easier, cut a slip about 1/4″ from center front on each side to insert the cord through. Be sure to stitch around slit areas making a buttonhole; otherwise it will fray. (Hint: Safety pin on the end of the cord will help push it around bag casing)

9. Hand sew big furry ball in center right below drawstring openings. At the end of
each drawstring cord hand sew small furry ball.


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