Hippity-Hop…this Beaded and Laced Frog will jump right into the fun at any playdate or party.


Frog Template (CLICK HERE)



Fiskars Blunt-Tip Kids Scissors


Creatology 12”x18” Foam Sheet, Kelly Green

Creatology Non-Stretch Cording Variety Pack (Black and Clear)

Plastic Beading Needle

Craft Beads (use photo as guide)

Jumbo Elmer’s Disappearing Purple Glue Stick



1.CLICK HERE to download and print the template; then cut out the pattern. Trace the pattern on the craft foam, cut out the shape.

2.Thread the black cording through a plastic beading needle, tie a knot at the end.

3.Push the threaded needle through the backside of the craft foam frog to start the mouth of the frog. String the cording all the way through the frog.
NOTE: Use image for placements.

4.Push the needle through the front-side of the frog to make a hole to lace the cording. Continue going lacing back and forth for the frog’s mouth.

5.Tie a knot once done with the mouth on the backside.

6.Repeat Step 2-5 for the leg outlines.

7.Thread the clear cording through a large bead for a frog eye, push the needle through the craft foam, twice, to make two holes for the two ends to push through the beaded cording. Tie a knot on the backside of the craft foam. Cut extra cording. Repeat with the other frog eye.

8.Thread the clear cording through twelve smaller beads for the outer part of the frog eye, tie a knot to make a beaded circle. Push the needle through the craft foam to make one hole for the tied ends of the circled beads. Push through and glue. Let dry. Repeat with the other frog eye.

9.Repeat Step 7 with the smaller beads to make the frog tongue and nails.


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